What to see in Siem Reap

What to see in Siem Reap, Cambodia

As enthralling as the temples of Angkor may be, there are lots of other things to see and do around Siem Reap. Seeing a bit of Cambodia away from the temples can help avert ‘temple-burnout’ and round out your Cambodian experience as well as help Cambodia by taking some tourist pressure off of the temples and spreading the tourism dollars a bit more widely.

In addition to the following suggestions, check out the sections on visiting the Tonle Sap Lake and bird sanctuary, attending a traditional dance performance, going on a helicopter, balloon and Angkor elephant rides, traditional markets, Angkor Night Market and good causes. Also see Volunteer opportunities and Charitable Organizations: All Cambodia for more information. Fort more ideas on other things to do around Siem Reap see the NGO-based Stay Another Day website.

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