Ba Phnom Resort

Ba Phnom Resort is located in Chheur Kach commune, Ba Phnom district, about 78 kilometers east of Phnom Penh and 45 kilometers south of Prey Veng provincial town. Visitors traveling from Phnom Penh along National Road 1 should turn left at Kampong Sneung market and go about 7 kilometers. There are four mountains in Ba Phnom-Phnom Sampeou, Phnom Laang, Phnom Thom and Phnom Banhchor. Ba Phnom was once the ancient city Nokor Phnom, which was located near these mountains in Ba Phnom district. Few remnants of the city remain. Among those that can be seen are pieces of the ancient temple Prasat Chan, which was located in front of Wat Vihear Kuk, near the foot of Phnom Sampeou in Cheung Phnom commune. At one time, the city also had a palace and a hall, but both have been destroyed by years of war.

The view from the top of Ba Phnom is very picturesque. There is a big, rocky cave near the mountaintop that shelters wildlife. At the foot of mountain, there is a pagoda, Wat Phnom, also known as Wat Ba Phnom.Aroad circles the mountains, and a big pond lies the east of them. People live around the mountains. Ba Phnom has been eyed for tourism development east of the Mekong River, because the area attracts many people on weekends and during Cambodian festivals.

The resort of Ba Phnom has four mountains closed to each other, namely: Sam Por, Sa Ang, Thum and Bonh Chor mountain. Ba Phnom is the former old Capital named Nor Kor Phnom. Nowadays, it remains some evidence like an ancient temple called Pra Sat Chan located in front of Kuk pagoda closed to Sam Pov Mountain in Cheung Phnom Commune, halls and palace are completely damaged by war at that time. Ba Phnom has beautiful scenery when viewing from the above peak and big rocky caves, the hideout of wild life. At the mountain?s Valley, there is a pagoda named ?Ba Phnom? surrounded mountain rank and a big pond at the East of the pagoda. Around the mountain, there are residences of the local people.

Ba Phnom in Prey Veng was also the former old capital which was named as Nor Kor Phnom. You can also see some ancient temples like the Pra Sat Chan which is in front of the Kuk pagoda near the Sam Pov Mountain. The Ba Phnom Resort in Prey Veng has spectacular scenery from the mountain peaks. In the mountain valley is the Ba Phnom pagoda which is surrounded by mountains and there is a also a pond in the east. One of Prey Veng Tourist Attractions is its colorful festivals and holidays. 

Ba Phnom is the former old Capital named Nor Kor Phnom. Nowadays, it remains some evidence like an ancient temple called Pra Sat Chan located in front of Kuk pagoda closed to Sam Pov Mountain in Cheung Phnom Commune, halls and palace are completely damaged by war at that time. Ba Phnom has beautiful scenery when viewing from the above peak and big rocky caves, the hideout of wild life. The resort of Ba Phnom has four mountains closed to each other, namely: Sam Por, Sa Ang, Thum and Bonh Chor mountain. Ba Phnom is the former old Capital named Nor Kor Phnom. Nowadays, it remains some evidence like an ancient temple called Pra Sat Chan located in front of Kuk pagoda closed to Sam Pov Mountain in Cheung Phnom Commune, halls and palace are completely damaged by war at that time. 

Ba Phnom has beautiful scenery when viewing from the above peak and big rocky caves, the hideout of wild life. At the mountain's Valley, there is a pagoda named ?Ba Phnom? surrounded mountain rank and a big pond at the East of the pagoda.Around the mountain, there are residences of the local people. The resort of Ba Phnom has been planned to develop as a big tourist attraction at the eastern part of Mekong River because this area can attract most visitors during the Cambodian festivals and holidays. In addition, there are more 15-attractive sites in Prey Veng province such as: 1 Kandal temple located at kampong Trobek District. 2 Prey Cha Rick temple located at kampong Trobek District. 3 Prey Vea Temple located at kampong Trobek District.

4 Stupa of kampong Trobek. 5 Kdey Troup pagoda located at Preah Sdach District. 6 Krang Svay pagoda located at Preah Sdach District. 7 Kdey Ang or Chum Nit located at Preah Sdach District. 8 Preah Sena temple located at Preah Sdach District. 9 Vang Phnan pagoda located at Preah Sdach District. 10 Ha temple located at Preah Sdach District. 11 Preah Poan located at Preah Sdach District. 12 Vi Heah located at Preah Sdach District. 13 Kuk temple located at Ba Phnom District. 14 Cham temple or Chan Ba Phnom. 15 Preah Theat Me Bon located at Prey Veng District. These attractive sites are the worshipping places for the people of Svay Rieng province who believe in mountain or Arak Neak Ta, and also the gathering places for local and international visitors from everywhere.

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