Chup Pol Temple

Chup Pol Temple, Takeo, popularly known as Chu Pol temple, is a coveted tourist spot. Cambodia is famous for its historical sites and edifices and Takeo is no exception. Chup Pol Temple, Takeo is one such structure that throws sufficient light on the historical and cultural aspect of the place.

Chup Pol Temple, Takeo is a sacred site and the tourists make sure that they include this site in their travel itinerary. There are several tourist attractions in Takeo and they are broadly divided into historical sites and natural and wildlife preserves. The Chup Pol Temple, Takeo belongs to the category of historical buildings and sites.

Chup Pol Temple in Takeo is located in the wonderful Doun Peaeng Village. This village is situated in the Baray Commune region in the Doun Kae District. The reason for the popularity of this site is not just the fact that it is a historical edifice but also because it is very conveniently located. It is one of the tourist attractions in Takeo that is not more than 3 kms from the Provincial town. By car it takes hardly 5 minutes and sometimes tourists also prefer to walk all the way to the temple so that enroute they can study the surrounding locale. Chup Pol Temple is located in Doun Peaeng Village, Baray Commune, Doun Kae District, about 3 kilometers (4mn) from Provincial Town. It is the Historical Sites and Buildings.

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