Pream Buorn Lveng Temple


The location of the Pream Buorn Lveng Temple, Stung Treng is amidst the fine environment of the Kang de Sor Village. This is in the Thala Bariwatt District. You can reach this temple very easily from the provincial town. It is not very difficult travel 6 kilometers. You can board a motorbike that will take you to your destination. Most of the accommodations are not far from this Pream Buorn Lveng Temple, Stung Treng. It is one of the well located attractions in Stung Treng.

Pream Buorn Lveng Temple, Stung Treng has played an unforgettable part in the history of the country. This is the place that every travelers should visit to understand the the kind of religious belief the local people believe in to. You can worship here as well. Like any other temples in Stung Treng this one too has a fine locale that is just perfect for meditation. This can be one reason why this shrine was built here in the first place.

Tourist Attractions in Stung Treng are, therefore, quite varied and you will be able to find many such buildings here. The Pream Buorn Lveng Temple, Stung Treng has a very good architecture. It shows the combination of robustness and beauty. So, while sightseeing in Stung Treng you must visit here. It is temples like these that has helped this country to attract tourists every year. They love to architectures, designs and the locations of these temples.

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