Svay Rieng Geography


Svay Rieng Geography

Svay Rieng is a small low land province with 2,966 square kilometres. Majority of land is arable land and it is under Mekong water half a year. It?s located in the Southeast of the country bordering Kampong Cham to the North, Prey Veng to the West and Vietnam to the East and South. The Southeast of the province occupies a jut of land sticking into Vietnam, so the Southeast of the province is literally surrounded from Vietnam.

The province consists generally of the typical plain wet area for Cambodia, covering rice fields and other agricultural plantations. The land state is due to the American carpet bombing a real pity  no forests and cratered countryside are the results. The province also features two of the biggest rivers of the country (actually they symbolize the provincial borders) the Tonle Bassac and the mighty Mekong.

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